Studii si cercetări filologice. Seria Limbi Străine Aplicate
ISSN 1583-2236
ISSN–L 2344 –4525
Annual appearance
Accredited by CNCS: and B+ category in 2010, 2011, B category in 2012-2016
Studii si cercetări filologice. Seria Limbi Străine Aplicate – Philological Studies and Research – Applied Foreign Languages Series is an annual research journal, published by the Department of Applied Foreign Languages of National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest (Pitești University Centre). The journal promotes pluridisciplinary philological research and aims at correlating the objectives and results in the field of fundamental theoretical research with those in the field of applied research. It addresses researchers in language sciences and teaching staff working in the Departments of Applied Foreign Languages within Romanian and foreign universities.
1. Linguistics
2. Foreign Languages Didactics
3. Languages for Specific Purposes
4. Intercultural Studies
The articles are published in English, French, Italian, German, Russian, Portuguese, and Spanish.